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« "Interstellar" and American mythology (spoilers) | Main | Spot the classic #2 »


Lyn Fairchild Hawks

Ah, John Steinbeck, The Pearl! 'Tis the middle one, but it ain't fair to middlin'.

I know too much about one of the others from a joke you made on FB. A good one, too.

Richard Abbott

Greetings from north India!
My guess is:
#1=self-published (on the slightly dubious grounds that the rather transparent Palace of Lethe=forgetfulness seems to me to signal sp)
#3=classic 20th century (I don't recognise any of the three so this is a not based on knowledge at all)

I'm also about half way through Gettysburg and enjoying it, but more of that on another occasion.


The reveal: #2 is from John Steinbeck's The Pearl. #1 is from Cobweb Bride by Vera Nazarian (self-pubbed), and #3 is from What She Left Behind by Ellen Marie Wiseman, one of Amazon's Best Books of 2014.

I love Steinbeck's ingenious use of light in this passage, almost cinematically highlighting the scorpion with the shaft of light that comes in from a hole in the hut.

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