Curiouser and curiouser.
Elan Gale, reality TV producer who was the subject of my last post, has now confessed that the incident he tweeted out to thousands of followers over Thanksgiving weekend was a fake.
Here is the place to see the details, including tweets from Gale confirming the hoax.
Now we can begin the speculation that it was actually a real incident, and that Elan is trying to milk more publicity out of the stunt, and/or he's so embarrassed by the reaction of some that he wants it to go away.
I was taken in, I will confess-- most of all, by the following:
That's a pretty good fake note, in my opinion. Different stationery, completely different handwriting. Did Elan do that, or did he get someone else?
I always wondered where the airlines were in all of this-- why they didn't say anything, why there was no confirmation from them that this actually happened.
It made sense that "Diane" would say nothing, because she was the one who looked bad.
But if an airline passenger is actually making up an incident that reflects badly on a certain airline, you'd think they would have said something.
It reminds me of another post I wrote about a hoax concerning a boy flying in a balloon. Remember this one?
This is why I stick to fiction.