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Lyn Fairchild Hawks

David, very thoughtful, very insightful. I want to share this.



Thanks for passing it on, Lyn.


To begin with... an IP "Professional" doesn't and couldn't take 1/2 a day installing & upgrading a teen's laptop...A 1 hour job for a teen max!

Secondly, shooting the laptop was for his ego, played on uTube for all to see what a cool guy he is...

I find no need to go further, no matter what he spins after the fact...
A------, pure & simple!


Coutch, edited the expletive in your comment. I appreciate your reading and commenting. I don't agree with the firearm use at all; I think the dad has never fired a weapon in anger against anyone, never been in the military or a police officer. People who never have to use firearms as a part of their job sometimes think they are cool and/or necessary and should be kept around and displayed, and probably a number of them think it's okay to use them in the way this guy did. Not me. If you understand the seriousness of gun use, you don't introduce it into your family like that. I understand the father's rage and desire to do something that truly gets through to his child. But I think the gun use is dangerously inappropriate.

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