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« Brunch with Caesar goes live; Bush's Myers-Briggs | Main | More inaugural poetry »



I liked your poem, except for the closing line which seems partisan and not in keeping with the occassion. It is also a little awkward, given that blue not only has political significance but is the color of facebook, y'know?

Make not grey but _________. There has to be another option.

I do like the facebook black and white... not just skin color, but it made me think of an era that is beyond the black and white photographs of an old-fashioned paper yearbook.


Maybe red, white, and blue. But then you've still got white.

I was undecided about the blue for a while, but in the end I thought it was a good thing to remember that Democrats won this one. I don't think the whole poem succeeded, but I was still working on it and then inauguration came up. I don't know that more time would've made it better. Tougher than it looked to write this.

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