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I think one of the ways we are "made in His image" is that we habitually make everything from nothing. In our case we are making meaning where there might not be any except to us, and we seem to make all of our individual meaning (our everything) from the "nothing in particular" around us. In His case He literally made EVERYTHING out of nothing at all. And both are valid activities, I think (I hope). And all the meaning is real, even if most of it can't be deciphered (it's just fragment). Much of it isn't intended to be understood; we don't profit from trying too hard to read all the events in our lives. We're supposed to read them in our peripheral vision, not look at them too closely.

But some things plainly are intended to have meaning, and we CAN look closely. We're repaid handsomely for doing so. Some of these events are written in God's meaning - like the Creation, the Incarnation, the Resurrection, and they are too BIG for us to understand, but we profit from trying. Others are written in our meaning, like artwork, our love for each other, our spoken words. God is in all of these meanings, too, but it seems to me this is Him letting us play and work alongside Him, letting us be in His image every day. And then there are the events that are written by us both together - like the Eucharist, or children. I love them all, but it's this last group that stops me, and makes me follow the words from the prophet, "Be still and know that I am God." Oh yes, He is. He is that IS, and we're right up there beside Him with our hands in the same clay, making things together and being made all at once.

May our hands all come to be within His, and may we all rejoice in it.


PS - I also love fortune cookie messages...


Thanks for that eloquent extension of the post, MoomPa.

What you said about art made me think that making meaning from literature is in the same category. I also believe that we are repaid handsomely by paying attention to the meaning that comes from stories and poems and other written art.

And by the way, I hope to resume Healing Knowledge this summer. The end of the school year sort of put an end to all coherent creative thought.


I definitely agree about literature. I used to mean art as painting, drawing, etc. - and that's still my own primary outlet. But for years now when I think of the arts I generally think of the whole family: drama, literature, music (performing and composing), the plastic arts (painting, sculpture, drawing), architecture (including landscape architecture), dance (performing and choreographing)... and I meant all of them when I referred to art above. And many more layers of meaning are possible in some of the artistic ventures that combine tow or more of the arts - as opera does, or the cinema.

I figured the end of the school year was what temporarily shut off the work on Healing Knowledge. I'm looking forward to Chapter 10. I wish you good writing.

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