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Thanks. I looked through all my mythology books and finally found Ino in "Mythology, Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes," by Edith Hamilton; and in "The Greek Myths," by Robert Graves, etc. In the process I learned a lot more about her. THAT is the point of the NYTimes crossword puzzle: it's not to gloat at one's knowledge, but to continue to learn. I don't need to learn what I already know. I need to be able to see what I know in different lights and, seeing what I don't know, to learn more. But I wouldn't have found Ino without your help. Google otherwise wasn't much help. Thanks!


John, You've showed me the worth of crossword puzzles in a different light. Intensely competitive perfectionist that I am, I focus on solving without help, then basking in the accomplishment if I succeed. Crossword puzzles as learning tools? Nice.

Thanks for visiting, and come back anytime you want to learn more, on an errand from a crossword or not.


Ino - 54 Accross, 28 Jan 2009 NY Times crossword puzzle. They're getting lazy!

Thanks for the help!


Sorry, but could you guys post some more FACTS instead of OPINIONS, maybe?! I mean I've got to write a paper on this stuff. YOU. JUST. WASTE. MY. TIME!


I hope you feel better now that you've got that off your chest, and thanks for reading BwP.

private tutor

Wow, you're very good at mythology. I had a hard time memorizing all those "uncommon" characters. Might as well need a private tutor in Mythology.

Trailers for Sale

"The Greek Myths," by Robert Graves, etc. In the process I learned a lot more about her. THAT is the point of the NYTimes crossword puzzle: it's not to gloat at one's knowledge, but to continue to learn. I don't need to learn what I already know. I need to be able to see what I know in different lights and, seeing what I don't know, to learn more. But I wouldn't have found Ino without your help. Google otherwise wasn't much help. Thanks!

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